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퍼렁별 물건/Tip & Tech

vCenter (VCSA) 6.5 upgrade patch

by -퍼렁별- 2019. 2. 18.

$ssh "vcenter IP"

$software-packages install --url


. but!!

12.11  Contact Information.  Please direct legal notices or other

correspondence to VMware, Inc., 3401 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California

94304, United States of America, Attention: Legal Department.

Do you accept the terms and conditions?  [yes/no] yes

 [2019-02-18T02:24:23.049] : Staged 150 packages.

 [2019-02-18T02:24:23.049] : Verifying staging area

 [2019-02-18T02:24:23.049] : Validating software update payload

 [2019-02-18T02:24:23.049] : The version check is passed.

 [2019-02-18T02:24:23.049] :


                summary: Appliance (OS) root password is expired or is going to expire soon. Please change the root                                             password before installing an update.

Command> password

Unknown command: `password'

Command> shell

Shell access is granted to root

root@vm [ ~ ]# passwd

New password:

Retype new password:

passwd: password updated successfully

root@vm [ ~ ]# exit


Command> software-packages install --url

command> shutdown reboot -r "patch reboot"

Good Luck!!!

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